
What comes next after obtaining trademark protection in Poland? – Article by Monika Zielińska for The Trademark Lawyer Magazine

In the latest Trademark Lawyer Magazine, Monika Zielińska, presents a handful of tips on what should be remembered by the holders of Polish national trademarks, especially in view of the latest amendments to the Polish Industrial Property Law.

In the article, our expert explains the nuances of trademark renewals, emphasizes the importance of using and monitoring trademarks, as well as updating details of a trademark in the register. She also draws attention to the differences between Polish and EU law, especially in the context of the new Polish regulations, which have been in force since March 16, 2019.

“These amendments introduced for the implementation of art. 46 of the Directive (EU) 2015/2436 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2015 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks, make it much more difficult for the owners of earlier trademarks to refer to their rights. The amendments also cause that the implementation of the practice of a systematic securing and archiving of the proofs of using one’s own trademarks in the territory of Poland should become a priority for their owners. Otherwise, in the event of a dispute, these rights may turn out to be useless, and the expenses spent on keeping them valid – needless.”

Read the entire article in The Trademark Lawyer Magazine, Issue 4 2019.

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