
Registration of a trademark and the rights of the creator of the logo

Can I register a trademark that has been designed by an external graphic designer? Absolutely yes, but first copyrights to this trademark should be transferred.

“AGROindustry” online magazine has published an article by Joanna Rafalska – a patent attorney at Patpol, who discusses practical problems with trademark registration that may arise if the copyright issues have not been regulated properly.

We invite you to read the full article in Polish.

Validation ? a short guide part III Formal requirements of the Polish Patent Office to file validation

Validating European Patent in Poland seems to be a fairly simple task. However, one should Czytaj dalej

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Each year, INTA brings together top intellectual property and business experts from around the world, Czytaj dalej

What is worth remembering after trademark registration? [Article on]

Author: Agnieszka Skrzypczak Obtaining the right from registration of a trademark, whether it is a Czytaj dalej