
Registration of a trademark and the rights of the creator of the logo

Can I register a trademark that has been designed by an external graphic designer? Absolutely yes, but first copyrights to this trademark should be transferred.

“AGROindustry” online magazine has published an article by Joanna Rafalska – a patent attorney at Patpol, who discusses practical problems with trademark registration that may arise if the copyright issues have not been regulated properly.

We invite you to read the full article in Polish.

Joanna Rafalska for the magazine “The World of Pharmaceutical Industry”

What exactly is the distinctive character of a trademark on the pharmaceutical market? Can trademarks Czytaj dalej

Using a trademark in different form than registered and proofs of genuine use – part 2

The First Board of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) presented its Czytaj dalej

Looking forward to seeing you on INTARG 2022 in Katowice.

This coming Wednesday and Thursday, May 11-12, we invite you to Katowice, where the international Czytaj dalej