
Joanna Piłka become a member of the Training Committee of the PIRP

We are very proud that our experts are actively involved in the process of building patent and trademark attorneys’ self-government.

Joanna Piłka has just become a member of the Training Committee of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys, which deals with professional training and development.

Joanna has been giving numerous lectures and presentations for many years, thanks to which she will be able to support the work of the Committee with her knowledge and practical experience.


What names can be registered as trademarks? A handful of the most essential tips

Author: Nina Jankowska, Polish and European Trade Mark and Design Attorney The process of choosing Czytaj dalej

Joanna Piłka became a member of the ECTA Design Committee

We are proud to announce that Joanna Piłka, Head of Trade Mark and Design Department Czytaj dalej

Dariusz Świerczyński PhD Eng with IAM Patent 1000 recomendation

Dariusz Świerczyński PhD Eng, Patent Attorney and Deputy Head of Patent Department is yet another Czytaj dalej