
Celebrating World IP Day at Patpol – open line on 27 April 2020

This Sunday, April 26, the world will celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day. To spread the knowledge on intellectual property as widely as possible Patpol and Patpol Legal experts organize a hotline day in which anyone interested in exploring issues of IP protection can ask a question and get a quick credible answer.

The theme of this year’s World Intellectual Property Day is Innovation for a green future. The World Intellectual Property Organization is leading the work on creating a balanced and effective international intellectual property system that will support innovation. A green future means fighting climate change and ownership-based innovation.

Patpol and the Patpol Legal law office, leaders in the intellectual property protection sector in Poland, have been cooperating with inventors for many years, whose innovative ecological solutions contribute to environmental protection. This year, as part of celebrating World IP Day, the company experts – patent and trademark attorneys as well as lawyers specializing in IP law – will answer all questions regarding intellectual property in Poland and in the world .

Do not hesitate to contact us via Facebook’s Messenger on Monday, April 27, between 9 am to 4 pm.

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