
PATPOL IP RUNNERS once again at the start and finish line of POLAND BUSINESS RUN!

A Patpol and Patpol Legal running team composed of: Aleksandra Sołyga-Żurek, Anna Wiśniewska, Dariusz Piróg, Piotr Jeżółkowski and Andrzej Krajewski – PATPOL IP RUNNERS, once again participated in POLAND BUSINESS RUN, the largest nationwide charity relay.

This year’s runners goal was to support at least 55 people with locomotor disabilities.

Thank you and congratulations on a good result!

What a trademark is like everyone can see… but, is it so obvious indeed? Part 4 – a color

The issue of what a trademark is and what is its legal definition was discussed Czytaj dalej

Dr. Magdalena Tagowska recommended in IAM Patent 1000 ranking!

Dr. Magdalena Tagowska is yet another expert from our firm recommended in the latest IAM Czytaj dalej

Devil’s tricks still being played…

In my previous entry to IP Blog ? "The devil is in the details..., or Czytaj dalej