
Puls Biznesu: Magdalena Tagowska speaks about Polish patent applications in Europe


Puls Biznesu, one of the main Polish business journals, on March 13, 2019 published an article summarizing the annual report of the European Patent Office (EPO) for the year 2018, according to which the number of applications filed by Polish entities to the European Patent Office increased by nearly 20%.

In the registers of the EPO, the leading positions in terms of the number of patent applications are held by the United States (25%), Germany, Japan, France and China. Poland holds 25th place in this ranking. In 2018, Polish inventors, entrepreneurs, universities and scientific units filed 534 applications in the EPO, which is 19.7 % more than last year. Such a high level of applications is maintained for the second year in a row, while the average for 38 EPO members is 3.8 percent.

The article quotes Magdalena Tagowska, a Polish Patent Attorney and the Head of Patent Department at Patpol.


The full contents of the article, in Polish, can be found HERE.


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