
PATPOL IP RUNNERS ran in streams of rain in this year’s Warsaw Business Run!

A heavy rain and a cold weather did not disturb them – the Patpol IP Runners team including Aleksandra Kryska, Aleksandra Sołyga-Żurek, Dariusz Piróg, Karol Szymańczak and Piotr Jeżółkowski proved that it is possible and worth helping – this time running in Warszawa Business Run, where the goal was to support people with movement disabilities.

Well done team! Keep doing good!

Surname, first name, pseudonym, personal image ? can they be regisrtered as a trademark in the Polish Patent Office or EUIPO?

Author: Agnieszka Skrzypczak On 24 March 2016 a Spanish company, Gaudí BCN Projects S.L., filed Czytaj dalej

What a trademark is like everyone can see… but, is it so obvious indeed? Part 4 – a color

The issue of what a trademark is and what is its legal definition was discussed Czytaj dalej

Izabella Dudek-Urbanowicz awarded as IP Star 2021

Congratulations to Izabella Dudek-Urbanowicz, Managing Director at Patpol, who was awarded by IP STARS (Managing IP) with Czytaj dalej