
Looking forward to seeing you on INTARG 2022 in Katowice.

This coming Wednesday and Thursday, May 11-12, we invite you to Katowice, where the international trade fair of inventions and innovation INTARG 2022 will be held in the famous Spodek Arena.

The event will be attended by Grzegorz Wodecki, Patpol patent specialist and Jakub Słupski, advocate at Patpol Legal.

The trade fair will be a perfect opportunity to talk about intellectual property and discuss legal aspects of business. Therefore, we invite you to our stand and also to the lecture “How can an innovative enterprise protect its intellectual property?”, which will be delivered by Jakub Słupski on the first event day, namely on May 11 at 1:00 pm in the Presentation Zone.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!


Patpol Breakfast – where business meets breakfast in style!

We would like to share with you information about our innovative Business Breakfast, which we organize jointly with Patpol Legal here in Poland. Although we currently focus on serving our local clients, we proudly want to tell you about how we operate in the domestic market. Business Breakfast with Patpol Breakfast are unique meetings that combine delicious breakfast with productive business conversations. Our events are intended for lawyers  from legal departments, management, marketers, R&D staff, Czytaj dalej

Barbara Milczarek for The World of Pharmaceutical Industry Magazine!

In order to patent a new chemical compound, which is to be used for medical Czytaj dalej