
Joanna Piłka represented Patpol at the 39th Annual ECTA Conference in Vienna

The 39th Annual ECTA Conference, held in Vienna under the heading “Waltz with IP”, was filled with many inspiring lectures and discussions by representatives of the intellectual property world.

The lecture sessions were preceded by meetings of individual committees, including The ECTA Design Committee, which was attended by Joanna Piłka, Patpol’s patent attorney.

The next ECTA Conference will take place in June 2022, this time we will meet in Copenhagen.

PATPOL IP RUNNERS once again at the start and finish line of POLAND BUSINESS RUN!

A Patpol and Patpol Legal running team composed of: Aleksandra Sołyga-Żurek, Anna Wiśniewska, Dariusz Piróg, Czytaj dalej

Patpol as a content partner of the Intelligent Development Forum.

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The beginnings of inventions in the field of biotechnology [Article on]

Author: Barbara Milczarek, patent attorney It was already back in the 19th century when the practice Czytaj dalej