
Validation ? a short guide part III Formal requirements of the Polish Patent Office to file validation

Validating European Patent in Poland seems to be a fairly simple task. However, one should remember about a number of formal requirements that must be fulfilled in order to successfully validate a European Patent. The great majority of them is logical and obvious.

On the other hand, they may appear some questions from the Polish Patent Office (PPO) which are surprising even for patent attorneys.

Obviously, the basis for starting validation process in Poland is obtaining a European Patent designating Poland as one of the countries where the proprietor wishes to have a legal protection. Without this one cannot move any further.

The proprietor has three months to validate obtained European Patent since B1 publication, which informs about the grant of a patent. So far everything is clear and logical ? if the proprietor misses the deadline for filing the validation, a patent will not be protected in the given country.

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