
Join us at INTA 2024!

Each year, INTA brings together top intellectual property and business experts from around the world, creating one of the most important events in the patent industry.

Our law firm this year will be represented by: Izabella Dudek-Urbanowicz, Dariusz Świerczyński, Joanna Piłka, Dariusz Piróg, Alicja Rytel and Justyna Dudek.

This is an extremely important opportunity for us to make valuable contacts, exchange experiences and discuss the latest trends in the field of intellectual property.

Book a meeting with us today!

See you in Atlanta! ✈️

Registration of trademarks in 3D virtual network worlds – metaverse? Why not!

Monika Zielińska, attorney at law and patent attorney, in the video for news agency Newseria Czytaj dalej

Dariusz Świerczyński PhD Eng with IAM Patent 1000 recomendation

Dariusz Świerczyński PhD Eng, Patent Attorney and Deputy Head of Patent Department is yet another Czytaj dalej