
Prevention against COVID-19 infections in PATPOL and PATPOL LEGAL

Every day we observe information about new cases of coronavirus. The situation in Warsaw and Poland is changing day by day and activities leading to possible transmission of the virus are gradually reduced.

We hope that in the coming weeks and by following administrative recommendations, we will manage to overcome the development of covid-19 in Poland and around the world.

We assure you that our law firm is constantly operating and delivering services at the same high level, with most of our employees working remotely.

We have the tools and technologies that make this work possible, which is why we always take care of your needs.

Taking this opportunity, we wish you all health and strength to endure this unusual time. Let us remain calm and responsible for ourselves and others around us.

Yours sincerely,

Izabella Dudek-Urbanowicz Managing Director

Dariusz Piróg Managing Partner, Patpol Legal


We are very pleased to announce that PhD Eng.. Dariusz Świerczyński, patent attorney and deputy Czytaj dalej

Dariusz Świerczyński, PhD Eng in IP STARS 2022 ranking!

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