Personal profile

Danuta Wydrzyńska
Polish and European Patent Attorney

Danuta Wydrzyńska is a Polish and European Patent Attorney.

Danuta is the nestor of our firm. In 1969, she joined the team of patent attorneys at the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade, which in later years gained a separate structure and began functioning as Patpol.

At Patpol, Danuta became the head of the chemical team, then the company’s vice-president and later president. Today, in retirement, she supports the patent team as a patent attorney, verifying and validating European patents. She specializes in: agrochemistry, plant protection chemicals, pharmacy, dyes and pigments.

Danuta Wydrzyńska holds a master’s degree in chemistry from the Warsaw University of Technology and is a member of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys.

In private life, she is a great enthusiast of good literature and jazz music.

Utility models
IP Strategy
IP Portfolio Management
Additional protection right
Dyes and Pigments
Analytical chemistry
Cosmetic Chemistry
Medical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Industrial chemistry
Food chemistry
Chemistry of Plastics
Chemical engineering
Hygiene articles and Dressings
Plant protection products
Organic synthesis