
Patpol with another Managing IP recommendation!

We are delighted to have been honored also this year in the international IP STARS list, which highlights the best law firms practicing in intellectual property law. We have been ranked as TOP TIER FIRM in the area of TRADE MARK PROSECUTION , and have also received a recommendation in the area of CTRADE MARK DISPUTES.

The high ranking reflects our extensive experience and commitment to handling our clients’ cases. We truly appreciate receiving this recommendation!

Fewer trademark registrations in Poland, the growing number of Polish entrepreneurs choosing the EUTM registration

After the years 2016 and 2017, which were abundant in national trademark applications filed in Czytaj dalej

What names can be registered as trademarks? A handful of the most essential tips

Author: Nina Jankowska, Polish and European Trade Mark and Design Attorney The process of choosing Czytaj dalej

Magdalena Tagowska ranked as Top 250 Women in IP!

It's a pleasure to announce that Magdalena Tagowska, was ranked as one of the world Czytaj dalej