
Patpol wins a prestigious international award

On March 5, 2020 during the 15th Managing IP EMEA Awards in London, Patpol was awarded the Firm of the Year 2020 in Poland (Prosecution).

Managing IP EMEA Awards is one of the most important events in the world, during which the best intellectual property professionals are awarded. It gathers key patent and law firms and their clients, constituting a unique platform for the exchange of experiences and opinions. The awards are a prestigious international confirmation of the unique intellectual property competences of the awarded companies.

“We are pleased that the international group of our clients and IP market players appreciated the quality of our consultancy and the professionalism of our patent and trademark attorneys. We operate in this industry for over fifty years, trying to optimally combine the unique experience on the Polish market with the challenges of the modern, constantly changing world.” – comments Izabella Dudek-Urbanowicz, managing director of Patpol.

Puls Biznesu: Magdalena Tagowska speaks about Polish patent applications in Europe

Puls Biznesu, one of the main Polish business journals, on March 13, 2019 published an Czytaj dalej

Nina Jankowska for the AGROIndustry magazine

Not only packaging, but also chocolates in an unusual shape or fancifully wrapped cookies can Czytaj dalej

Information Claim in Industrial Property Law. Part 2

The previous article presented an informational claim, including its genesis and the previous regulation in Czytaj dalej