
Patpol IP Runners participated in this year’s Warsaw Corporate Run!

We are proud and happy to announce that the Patpol IP Runners team, the fastest runners in our office, finished with a great place the Firm Run running competition, organized on June 8 by the Everest Foundation.

Each of the runners ran 5 km in this charity event, from which the income will be transfered for the foundation needs

Congratulations to our runners: Dariusz PirógAleksandra Sołyga-ŻurekMarzena CabałaAndrzej KrajewskiKarol Szymańczak!

Registration of a trademark and the rights of the creator of the logo

Can I register a trademark that has been designed by an external graphic designer? Absolutely Czytaj dalej

Patpol and its patent and trademark attorneys recommended in the latest IP Stars 2020 rankings

In the latest IP Stars 2020 ranking recognizing the best IP law firms in terms Czytaj dalej

Information Claim in Industrial Property Law. Part 2

The previous article presented an informational claim, including its genesis and the previous regulation in Czytaj dalej