
Opposition procedure in Poland – pros and cons – article by Aleksandra Kryśka in The Trademark Lawyer Magazine.

In latest article in The Trademark Lawyer Magazine, our expert Aleksandra Kryśka explains the opposition procedure to applications for registration of a trademarks in the light of revolutionized over 3 years ago amendment to the Law on Industrial Property in Poland.

Read the article in english HERE.

Dariusz Świerczyński, PhD Eng in IP STARS 2022 ranking!

Congratulations to Dariusz Świerczyński, PhD Eng., Head of Patent Department at Patpol, who was awarded Czytaj dalej

Dr. Agnieszka Żebrowska-Kucharzyk with a recommendation in the IAM Patent1000 2022 ranking!

This year's distinction in the prestigious ranking is not the first that Dr. Żebrowska-Kucharzyk has Czytaj dalej