
New article by Katarzyna Jedynak PhD for Chemia & Biznes magazine

Innovative solutions are not only original products that break thinking patterns, but also those that meet basic needs and make everyday life easier and more enjoyable. Technological progress affects every industry today. So do the innovative solutions have to be complicated, or simplicity os not the best option?

Katarzyna Jedynak PhD, patent attorney at Patpol, writes about new solutions and interesting patents in the intimate hygiene market for the Chemia i Biznes magazine.

We invite you to read the article

Let?s look at the sky and we?ll find an invention So how is it with the inventions? [Article on]

Author: Olimpia Misztal, assistant in Patent Department On the 14th April, every year, in the calendar Czytaj dalej

Patpol Breakfast – where business meets breakfast in style!

We would like to share with you information about our innovative Business Breakfast, which we organize jointly with Patpol Legal here in Poland. Although we currently focus on serving our local clients, we proudly want to tell you about how we operate in the domestic market. Business Breakfast with Patpol Breakfast are unique meetings that combine delicious breakfast with productive business conversations. Our events are intended for lawyers  from legal departments, management, marketers, R&D staff, Czytaj dalej

Patpol supports a World IP Day’s event organized by the Polish Patent Office

Many women in Poland live with breast cancer without even being aware of it, and Czytaj dalej