
MARQUES Annual Conference, September 19-22, 2023. Berlin.

Aleksandra Kryśka, our patent attorney and Deputy Head of Trademark and Design Department, together with Jakub Slupski, an advocate at Patpol Legal, will participate in the annual Marques conference, organized by one of the most prestigious IP organizations.

The key issue of this year’s conference is how diversity and cultural environment may affect brand authenticity. During the sessions there will be a discussion of a number of essential topics, including among others brand leadership in the times of crisis, new e-commerce rules and regulations for AI, Tik-Tokers and influencers.

See you in Berlin at the oncoming MARQUES, 19th-22nd  September 2023!

Dariusz Świerczyński PhD Eng with IAM Patent 1000 recomendation

Dariusz Świerczyński PhD Eng, Patent Attorney and Deputy Head of Patent Department is yet another Czytaj dalej

Gold recommendation for Patpol in WTR 1000 rankings.

We are very happy to announce that in the prestigious WTR 1000 2022  ranking, our Czytaj dalej

Trademarks and coronavirus

Coronavirus pandemic does not only have serious impact upon our health, but it also affects Czytaj dalej