
Katarzyna Jedynak, Joanna Rafalska and Nina Jankowska passed successfully attorney training course!

We are very pleased to announce that patent attorney trainees from Patpol – Katarzyna Jedynak, Joanna Rafalska and Nina Jankowska – have done a great job with their final exams at the end of patent attorney training course, passing it successfully and achieving good results.
Congratulations and best wishes of success for continuing their careers as patent attorneys ?

Surname, first name, pseudonym, personal image ? can they be regisrtered as a trademark in the Polish Patent Office or EUIPO?

Author: Agnieszka Skrzypczak On 24 March 2016 a Spanish company, Gaudí BCN Projects S.L., filed Czytaj dalej

New patent attorneys at Patpol

Due to constant development of the company, and in response to the growing demand from Czytaj dalej

Izabella Dudek-Urbanowicz will visit Lizbon to joing PTMG Conference!

In just one week, the 100th anniversarial conference of the Pharmaceutical Trade Mark Group (PTMG) Czytaj dalej