
Aleksandra Kryśka is a new INTA’s Non-Traditional Marks Committee member!

We are delighted to inform that Aleksandra Kryska our Deputy Head of Trade Mark and Design Department, and Patent Attorney, has been accepted as a member of INTA’s Non-Traditional Marks Committee for the 2020-2021 term

This committee’s role is to develop and advocate the International Trademark Association (INTA) policy regarding the balanced protection of nontraditional trademarks. Aleksandra will bring wealth of experience to the group as an active INTA member since 2005 and a patent attorney since 2009.


Registration of trademarks in 3D virtual network worlds – metaverse? Why not!

Monika Zielińska, attorney at law and patent attorney, in the video for news agency Newseria Czytaj dalej

Open Day at Patpol on April 26, 2023.

This year we are celebrating the Intellectual Property Day in a special way.  On April Czytaj dalej

Dariusz Świerczyński PhD Eng with IAM Patent 1000 recomendation

Dariusz Świerczyński PhD Eng, Patent Attorney and Deputy Head of Patent Department is yet another Czytaj dalej