
Katarzyna Jedynak, Joanna Rafalska and Nina Jankowska passed successfully attorney training course!

We are very pleased to announce that patent attorney trainees from Patpol – Katarzyna Jedynak, Joanna Rafalska and Nina Jankowska – have done a great job with their final exams at the end of patent attorney training course, passing it successfully and achieving good results.
Congratulations and best wishes of success for continuing their careers as patent attorneys ?

Patpol and Patpol Legal at Polish Cheese Congress!

Autumn is the time of many events and industry conferences, which Patpol cannot miss! This Czytaj dalej

Barbara Milczarek for The World of Pharmaceutical Industry Magazine!

In order to patent a new chemical compound, which is to be used for medical Czytaj dalej

Gold recommendation for Patpol in WTR 1000 rankings.

We are very happy to announce that in the prestigious WTR 1000 2022  ranking, our Czytaj dalej