
When applying for trademark registration, do not forget about the author

A trademark – whose right?

A trademark, as an indication of origin of a product, is associated with an entrepreneur or a company introducing given goods and services on the market. Registration of a trademark in the Patent Office allows entrepreneurs to protect their rights, and a characteristic sign – next to the mark is a signal for consumers that it has been registered and the producer of the offered goods or services has the right to it.

However, upon seeing a word or word-figurative trademark, do we wonder who has in fact the exclusive right to use it? The applicants are hardly ever the creators of trademarks, more frequently a logo is acquired from graphic designing studios, or purchased from providers – the repositories of files (for example – Shutterstock). Such purchase does not mean the acquisition of material copyrights to the form of expression of the mark. Read the full article HERE.

Surname, first name, pseudonym, personal image ? can they be regisrtered as a trademark in the Polish Patent Office or EUIPO?

Author: Agnieszka Skrzypczak On 24 March 2016 a Spanish company, Gaudí BCN Projects S.L., filed Czytaj dalej

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