
Upcoming changes in the judicial system in the scope of intellectual property

The changes in the judicial system concerning intellectual property matters have been widely discussed for long. A draft of the relevant act, which initially seemed to be the issue of the remote future, will be coming into effect fairly soon.

The act is a response to many postulated proposals of introduction into the Polish judicial system of specialized courts to handle intellectual property matters. The number of disputes over intellectual property is continuously growing, and they cover a broad range of issues to be resolved. Therefore, on 13th February 2020, the Polish Parliament passed the Act on Amendment of the Civil Procedure Code, including an amendment to a number of other Laws. The Act will come into effect on 1st July 2020.

The intention of the draft Act was to create separate organizational units within the common judicial system, which would handle the cases in the field of copyrights and related rights, intellectual property and unfair competition.

Read the full article on IP-BLOG.

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