

We are happy to announce that we have received a recommendation in the ranking of the prestigious The Patent Lawyer Magazine, which awards the most recognized law firms specializing in the protection of intellectual property in the world.

Thank you for the distinction and we would like to congratulate the whole Patpol patent team, whose work has once again been noticed by the international group of experts and the IP industry.

The newest The Patent Lawyer Magazine online.

What a trademark is like everyone can see… but, is it so obvious indeed? Part 4 – a color

The issue of what a trademark is and what is its legal definition was discussed Czytaj dalej

Magdalena Tagowska ranked as Top 250 Women in IP!

It's a pleasure to announce that Magdalena Tagowska, was ranked as one of the world Czytaj dalej

Devil’s tricks still being played…

In my previous entry to IP Blog ? "The devil is in the details..., or Czytaj dalej