Personal profile

Nina Zabielska (Jankowska)
Polish and European Trade Mark and Design Attorney

Nina Zabielska (Jankowska) is a patent attorney in Trademark and Industrial Design Department at Patpol.

On a daily basis, Nina represents Polish and foreign clients in opposition and cancellation proceedings regarding trademarks and industrial designs before the Polish Patent Office and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

She is responsible for preparing recommendations and strategies on trademark and industrial designs protection, as well as formal motions and applications for national and international filings.

She is a graduate of e-business at the Warsaw School of Economics and a graduate of law at the Kozminski University. Nina has also completed the Summer Course on the European Intellectual Property Law organized by the European Law Academy (ERA) in Germany, and Cracow IP Law Summer School 2019. Nina is a member of INTA.

For her master’s thesis titled “Intellectual property management in technologically advanced enterprises based on the example of BASF”, Nina received an award of the Polish Patent Office in the 15th edition of the competition for the best scientific thesis on intellectual property. The award was granted by the Confederation “Lewiatan” (a Polish confederation of private entrepreneurs). Nina was also awarded in the international ranking of IP STARS (Managing IP) receiving the distinction of Rising Star 2022 and Rising Star 2023.

After professional work, she likes to relax by playing sports, in particular amateur triathlon training and power lifting.

Industrial Designs