Patent on the service of the State

Patent is an right that provides right holder?s invention with a very strong protection as it allows him to exclusively use an invention for profit or for professional purposes throughout Poland. Therefore the strength of this right derives from the fact that each and every unlawful enter in its exclusivity is considered to be an infringement.

Nevertheless, in specific and exceptional situations, such monopoly of the patent holder can be limited. In other words, polish legislator foreseen that in situations listed in Industrial Property Law (hereinafter referred to as: ?IPL?) the usage of a patent would not be consider as its infringement. Undoubtedly, the public safety and order, especially public policy, protection of human life and health shall be acknowledge as such.

We invite you to read the full article by Dominika Fallach from Patpol Legal in which she explain the possibility of using patents by state authorities in a situation of generally understood threat to public interest

We invite you to read