
Izabella Dudek-Urbanowicz comments the new UPRP project in daily Puls Biznesu

Izabella Dudek-Urbanowicz, Managing Director of Patpol, comments in the latest article in daily Puls Biznesu by Dorota Zawiślińska entitled “What will the company gain from the protection of intellectual property?”.

The article informs about the new project of the Polish Patent Office “Intellectual property in your company”, thanks to which small and medium-sized companies can now obtain up to 95% co-financing of the costs of IP consulting services.

In her comment, Izabella Dudek-Urbanowicz emphasized the benefits of the new program, including raising awareness of IP and giving entrepreneurs the opportunity to consult external experts.

However, she indicated that we need more time to evaluate the effectiveness of the project.

Read the entire article

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