
Dariusz Świerczyński, PhD Eng in IP STARS 2022 ranking!

Congratulations to Dariusz Świerczyński, PhD Eng., Head of Patent Department at Patpol, who was awarded in this year’s @IP STARS (Managing IP) ranking!

The “Patent Star 2022” award is a confirmation of not only high substantive competences and experience of Mr. Świerczyński, but also the achievements of the entire patent department of Patpol, which is managed by him.

See you in Rzeszów at the Polish Brewing Congress!

Next week we are meeting with the representatives of the brewing industry at the Polish Czytaj dalej

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In the latest IP Stars 2020 ranking recognizing the best IP law firms in terms Czytaj dalej

A trademark cannot contain the symbol of cannabis. But is it always so sure?

A trademark cannot contain the symbol of cannabis. Such was the decision of the General Czytaj dalej