
Nina Jankowska for the AGROIndustry magazine

Not only packaging, but also chocolates in an unusual shape or fancifully wrapped cookies can be registered as an industrial design. What is important, the submitted design must be new and must have individual character.


The protection of food products and litigation proceedings concerning the invalidation of trademarks on the food market were discussed by patent attorney Nina Jankowska in an article for AGROindustry magazine.

We invite you to read full text in polish.

Dr. Magdalena Tagowska recommended in IAM Patent 1000 ranking!

Dr. Magdalena Tagowska is yet another expert from our firm recommended in the latest IAM Czytaj dalej

Barbara Milczarek for the AGRO Industry portal

Barbara Milczarek, in her latest article on AGROindustry portal, presents the possibilities of protecting inventions Czytaj dalej

Patpol took the honorary adoption od suricates in the Warsaw Zoo!

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